What is it to be a child of immigrants in Montreal?

 Salam Tata illustrates this complex identity through phone conversations with an aunt in Morocco, in contrast with the challenges and spaces to navigate in this diverse city of Montreal. Based on personal reflections, the work invites the audience to travel through the emotional journey of understanding ourselves, our origins, and choosing what place to occupy in Quebec.

Creative Team

Choreography: Natsumi Sophia Bellali in collaboration with Saxon Fraser

Original text: Natsumi Sophia Bellali with the advising of Solomon Krause-Imlach

Mentor: Saxon Fraser

Sound Designer: Solomon Krause-Imlach

Light Designer: Marguerite Hudon

Dramaturgical Collaborators: Sarah Elkashef, Aki Matsushita

Outside Eye: Alida Esmail

Creative Consultant: Yvon Soglo (Crazy Smooth)

Ouverture Singer: Ashley Hefnawy


  • Festival de danse contemporaine de Sherbrooke

    August 19 2023 (premiere) - Sherbrooke, QC

  • À suivre... MAI Showcase

    November 17 2023 (excerpt) - Montreal, QC